Reach Your 2020 Money Goals As A Freelancer With These Five Money Resolutions

Happy New Year, darling!

I don’t know about you, but 2019 was a season of intense highs and intense lows for me. It was a year for me to deepen my connection with my African ancestry and find an unshakeable sense of peace during moments of turmoil.

It was also a year of magical love (I got engaged!) and rediscovering who I wanted to be as a woman.

Money & Mimosas

Last year, my word was VISIBILITY. And goodness did I manifest some incredible opportunities to be seen!

My TV show, Going From Broke produced by Ashton Kutcher, reached five million views within four weeks and the readership of Money & Mimosas expanded to over forty-five countries!

I was on the cover of the culture section of the SF Chronicle, the oldest running newspaper in San Francisco. I was named a personal finance expert by the Wall Street Journal and Fast Company, and one of the women leading the financial industry by Thrive Global. I was a guest on KGO radio in San Francisco and WGN radio in Chicago, and did a ton of podcast interviews.

In the midst of all of this success, I was going through intense healing. With my energy healer and shaman, I worked through a lot of PTSD. This PTSD was related to specific situations as well as my overall experience of being a black woman growing up in a country that hurls micro and macro aggressions at me, and those like me, on the daily.

The contrast of 2019 opened my eyes to the beauty of inner peace and deepened my resolve to practice self-love. After 2019, I am a reborn woman and so grateful for the lessons it gave me. I rediscovered my love for writing and will now proudly wear this identity. Thanks to those lessons, I am confidently stepping into 2020 and this new decade with ease, grace and strength.

My Word For 2020

My word this year is VITALITY. 2020 is my year to deepen my connection to my life force and glow from the inside, out. My financial goals are a reflection of this desire. They include reaching financial independence as a team with my fiancé by the end of this decade. For this year, my financial focus is to create a solid financial foundation for Money & Mimosas.

Do you have a word for 2020? What are your financial goals? Take a moment to write them down before continuing with this blog post!

Money & Mimosas

Whatever your goals are 2020, your behaviors will determine your results and more importantly how you feel throughout the process. 2019 showed me that how I feel is just as important as the results. Here are five new year’s resolutions to help you behave your way into success and reach your money goals in 2020.

Five Money Resolutions For Freelancers in 2020

  1. Recite positive affirmations daily. The foundation for reaching your money goals is nurturing an abundant mindset. In order to achieve, you have to first believe it is possible for you. One of my favorite affirmations is “I am worthy.”

  2. Have a weekly money date. Every Friday, review your finances and goals. Click here to sign up for the Money & Mimosas newsletter to receive your money date checklist.

  3. Learn a new financial term every day. Understanding the lingo of money will boost your confidence and savviness. Subscribe to my Youtube channel and watch my daily Money Minute videos to learn a new financial term.

  4. Increase your investments or earnings by at least 10%. As a freelancer, brainstorm creative ways you can increase your earnings and/or boost your investments. Diversifying your income will be the key to achieving financial independence.

  5. Mindfully contribute to the economy. Whether it’s through philanthropy or buying from a small business in your neighborhood, use your money to create positive change in the community.

And now I’d love to hear from you!

What is your word for 2020 and what is one goal you wish to achieve this year? Let me know in the comments below.

About Money & Mimosas: Money & Mimosas was started as a passion project by Danetha. A former NFL cheerleader turned entrepreneur, she started blogging as a way to combine all of her passions into a career. Money & Mimosas is now enjoyed by tens of thousands of readers in over forty countries with the same dream of achieving financial freedom without living frugally.

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